Population and household size by ward
Population by major age group
Age Group Male Female Total
< 5 year 1688 1652 3340
6-14 year 3105 2976 6081
15-18 year 1539 1470 3009
19-24 year 2050 2166 4216
24-49 year 5305 5107 10412
49-59 year 1163 997 2160
60-69 year 860 744 1604
70 year 731 654 1385
Total 16441 15766 32207
HH head by sex
HH Female Lead 11 %


HH Male Lead 89%


Population(%) by occupation
Educational attainment
Education Population %
Preprimary 548 1.7
Basic 11046 34.3
Secondary 4818 14.96
Bachelor 1222 3.79
Masters 261 0.81
MPHL 35 0.11
TSLC 176 0.55
General 7546 23.43
Illiterate 4533 14.08
Under Age 2021 6.28
No. of HHs by toilet Facility
HHs with flush toilet: 10.55 %
HHs with general toilet: 81.75 %
HHs without toilet: 7.71 %
Major Hotel Resort
ANMOL FOOD LAND, CHINA TOWN, White water, Trisuli river Beach Camp,
Agricultural Crop and Production
Crop Area(Ha) Production(Quintal)
Cereal Crop 36188.940000378 48342.099993989
Daal Crop 2780.9900002927 7993.2800018303
Oil Crop 762.41000043601 628.98000419885
Cultivated Land and Ownership %
HHs cultivating own land : 71.74%
HHs cultivating other prople's land : 10.65%
HHs cultivating land of other type of ownership : 0.66%
HHs not involved in agriculture : 16.96%
Major Infrastructure
Source of water by HH size
Type of source HH %
Pipe Water at Home 1795 27.84
Social Pipe Water at Home 3816 59.19
Deep Boring 0 0
Tube well/ hand pump 0 0
Covered well 133 2.06
Open well 247 3.83
Ground water 375 5.82
River 81 1.26
No of HHs by facilities
Facilities HH %
Radio 1279 10.09
TV 2773 21.87
Telephone 5644 44.51
Computer 407 3.21
Internet 706 5.57
Motorcycle 886 6.99
Others 91 0.72
None 894 7.05
Total 12680 100
No. of HH by food sufficiency
Ward No. 3 month 4-6 month 7-9 month 9 month
1 22 178 58 24
2 71 515 118 17
3 94 134 12 0
4 7 394 43 39
5 25 96 50 68
6 18 182 142 69
7 8 26 117 141
8 8 303 58 67
9 195 326 86 6
10 251 375 83 19
Total 699 2529 767 450
HH by usual source of cooking fuel
Fuel Source Total
Fire Wood 4165
Kerosene 4
Gas 2256
Bio Gas 1
Dry Manual Fuel 23
Electric 0
Safe Motherhood Practices
No of Pregnant Women and mothers with new babies 20
Pregnant women receiving TT1 20
Pregnant women receiving TT2 21
Pregnant women getting 4 times checkup 29
No. of deliveries at health institutions 20
Delivery at home in presence of health personnel 0
No. of deliveries at home in abscence of health personnel 0
106.52 Sq.km
76 ( Female:73 . Male:79 )
Immunixation & Malnutrition Status
Population with disability
Type of disability Population %
Physically impaired 149 48.53
Intelectually disabled 28 9.12
Visually impaired 20 6.51
Deaf 58 18.89
Speech Problem 52 16.94
Others 0 0
Total 307 100