Population and household size by ward
Population by major age group
Age Group Male Female Total
< 5 year 944 826 1770
6-14 year 1320 1336 2656
15-18 year 694 683 1377
19-24 year 973 917 1890
24-49 year 2348 2036 4384
49-59 year 590 552 1142
60-69 year 376 302 678
70 year 315 267 582
Total 7560 6919 14479
HH head by sex
HH Female Lead 10 %


HH Male Lead 90%


Population(%) by occupation
Educational attainment
Education Population %
Preprimary 2252 15.66
Basic 4186 29.12
Secondary 3524 24.51
Bachelor 427 2.97
Masters 111 0.77
MPHL 5 0.03
TSLC 17 0.12
General 1917 13.33
Illiterate 1305 9.08
Under Age 633 4.4
No. of HHs by toilet Facility
HHs with flush toilet: 75.7 %
HHs with general toilet: 20.99 %
HHs without toilet: 3.31 %
Major Tourist Areas
पाक्चेयक्मा , ज्योदाङ छयोसाङ, वाग्मा पोखरी, वत्तिस मण्डली चर्च, किरात मन्दिर, पाथीभारा मन्दिर, गोरुजुरे, कञ्चनजंगा, कुम्भकर्ण, इम्विरि थाङवामा किरात माङहिम, पाथीभारा, फाक्ताङलुङ, दिकी इमाेलिङ गुम्बा, नागथान, माङझीङगा, माङझाङगा, मुरिङला,
Financial Institutions
website.बाणिज्य बैक 1
website.लघु वित्त 2
website.वित्तिय 1
website.सहकारी संस्था 2
Major Hotel Resort
सेफुली ट्रेडस सप्लायर्स, जाेङदाक किराना र हाेटल, पाण्डे गेस्ट हाउस, पेमागासी गेस्ट हाउस, दावाडाेमा हाेटल, टासिदल हाेटल, हान्द्रुक हाेटल, सेकाथुम गेस्ट हाउस, सेलेले गेस्ट हाउस, पिसफुल गेस्ट हाउस, कञ्चनजंगा गेस्ट हाउस, शेर्पा गेस्ट हाउस, संङगी नाडजाेङ गेस्ट हाउस, ग्याप्ला गेस्ट हाउस, तमाेर खाेला हाेटल, सिवा हाेटल एण्ड लज, ह्ववाइट याक रेस्टुरेण्ट, लुम्बासम्बा,
Agricultural Crop and Production
Crop Area(Ha) Production(Quintal)
Cereal Crop 24388 40779
Daal Crop 866 196
Oil Crop 1 0
Cultivated Land and Ownership %
HHs cultivating own land : 59.24%
HHs cultivating other prople's land : 32.19%
HHs cultivating land of other type of ownership : 2.96%
HHs not involved in agriculture : 5.61%
Major Infrastructure
Source of water by HH size
Type of source HH %
Pipe Water at Home 220 8.12
Social Pipe Water at Home 2349 86.65
Deep Boring 4 0.15
Tube well/ hand pump 5 0.18
Covered well 1 0.04
Open well 2 0.07
Ground water 87 3.21
River 3 0.11
No of HHs by facilities
Facilities HH %
Radio 1476 31.28
TV 862 18.27
Telephone 2267 48.04
Computer 79 1.67
Internet 13 0.28
Motorcycle 14 0.3
Others 5 0.11
None 3 0.06
Total 4719 100
No. of HH by food sufficiency
Ward No. 3 month 4-6 month 7-9 month 9 month
1 18 42 87 85
2 131 334 89 32
3 129 167 62 21
4 53 233 73 49
5 28 221 75 27
6 40 156 115 139
7 4 4 4 33
Total 403 1157 505 386
HH by usual source of cooking fuel
Fuel Source Total
Fire Wood 2608
Kerosene 5
Gas 49
Bio Gas 26
Dry Manual Fuel 2
Electric 14
Safe Motherhood Practices
No of Pregnant Women and mothers with new babies 181
Pregnant women receiving TT1 162
Pregnant women receiving TT2 178
Pregnant women getting 4 times checkup 119
No. of deliveries at health institutions 102
Delivery at home in presence of health personnel 14
No. of deliveries at home in abscence of health personnel 43
1858.51 Sq.km
78.5 ( Female:75 . Male:82 )
Immunixation & Malnutrition Status
Children < 1 year 275
Children < 2 year 436
Children < 5 year 695
Children receiving BCG 227
Children receiving Pentavalent 389
Children receiving Polio 228
Children receiving measles 6
Children receiving Japanese encephalitis 244
No. of malnourished 5
Population with disability
Type of disability Population %
Physically impaired 130 60.47
Intelectually disabled 4 1.86
Visually impaired 17 7.91
Deaf 25 11.63
Speech Problem 24 11.16
Others 15 6.98
Total 215 100
Tapethok, Taplejung Province number: 1 Nepal Phone number: 021696499 email: phaktanglungmun@gmail.com