Population and household size by ward
No of HHs by level of annual income
Annual Income(NPR) %HH
< 150000 36.3
150000-250000 26.19
250000-5000000 17.94
> 5000000 19.57
HH head by sex
HH Female Lead 13 %


HH Male Lead 87%


Population(%) by occupation
No. of HH by food sufficiency
Ward No. 3 month 4-6 month 7-9 month 9 month
1 23 232 252 732
2 111 171 359 505
3 15 105 87 765
4 255 445 481 545
5 4 16 88 673
6 308 61 96 447
7 35 120 274 397
8 0 27 487 813
9 658 348 85 276
10 1 15 147 974
11 53 40 204 879
12 235 109 99 643
Total 1698 1689 2659 7649
Cultivated Land and Ownership %
HHs cultivating own land : 46.76%
HHs cultivating other prople's land : 9.97%
HHs cultivating land of other type of ownership : 8.04%
HHs not involved in agriculture : 35.24%
No. of HHs by toilet Facility
HHs with flush toilet: 26.01 %
HHs with general toilet: 68.85 %
HHs without toilet: 5.14 %
Agricultural Crop and Production
Crop Area(Ha) Production(Quintal)
Cereal Crop 214182 354715
Daal Crop 23878 18641
Oil Crop 19914 12274
Immunixation & Malnutrition Status
Source of water by HH size
Type of source HH %
Pipe Water at Home 4030 29.14
Social Pipe Water at Home 817 5.91
Deep Boring 2 0.01
Tube well/ hand pump 8848 63.97
Covered well 6 0.04
Open well 3 0.02
Ground water 2 0.01
River 0 0
Population by major age group
Age Group Male Female Total
< 5 year 4061 3877 7938
6-14 year 6816 6399 13215
15-18 year 3523 3309 6832
19-24 year 4277 4412 8689
24-49 year 12958 12325 25283
49-59 year 2464 2105 4569
60-69 year 1665 1563 3228
70 year 1210 1031 2241
Total 36974 35021 71995
No of HHs by facilities
Facilities HH %
Radio 1465 6.72
TV 5124 23.5
Telephone 11283 51.74
Computer 564 2.59
Internet 188 0.86
Motorcycle 2240 10.27
Others 123 0.56
None 819 3.76
Total 21806 100
Population with disability
Type of disability Population %
Physically impaired 502 53.58
Intelectually disabled 81 8.64
Visually impaired 123 13.13
Deaf 135 14.41
Speech Problem 60 6.4
Others 36 3.84
Total 937 100
65 ( Female:59 . Male:71 )
Educational attainment
Education Population %
Preprimary 13606 19.26
Basic 12943 18.32
Secondary 8293 11.74
Bachelor 2930 4.15
Masters 1369 1.94
MPHL 240 0.34
TSLC 791 1.12
General 8719 12.34
Illiterate 16490 23.35
Under Age 5254 7.44
Safe Motherhood Practices
No of Pregnant Women and mothers with new babies
Pregnant women receiving TT1
Pregnant women receiving TT2
Pregnant women getting 4 times checkup
No. of deliveries at health institutions
Delivery at home in presence of health personnel
No. of deliveries at home in abscence of health personnel
HH by usual source of cooking fuel
Fuel Source Total
Fire Wood 10221
Kerosene 45
Gas 3097
Bio Gas 8
Dry Manual Fuel 442
Electric 5
Major Infrastructure